on-Premise AI Chatbot

With the success of chatGPT more and more companies are turning to artificial intelligence to optimize business processes, improve products and services, and increase competitiveness. We thrive to bring these nnovations into your business in a secure way. No Cloud, full control. 


Don’t miss the boat – let us advise you now!

AI Act compliant

The only on-Premise AI solution

made in Germany

Our Products


Our AI Management System (A.I.M.S) paves a straightforward path from your data to a productive AI model – all in one software package. AI can be developed, evaluated and managed.


Our innovative AI chatbot for internal and external use. 1st level support, text-2-image, translations, programming. In compliance with data protection regulations, this chatbot can be used completely independently on your company’s own hardware or in the cloud as SaaS.


For all those who have had enough of poring over documents. Our solution – AIQA. This application recognizes your forms and can create links. No matter if invoices, (housing subsidy) applications or other forms. AIQA speeds up your data processing from documents immensely and reduces errors. Even with documents filled in by hand.


For whom is AI UI suitable ?

Whitelabel / Reseller

Do you want to establish your own brand quickly and easily? And without having to invest time and resources in developing your own product solution? AIUI offers you the perfect solution – WhiteLabel.

We provide you with our technology and adapt it to your requirements.


You would like to implement AI in your company and benefit from the multitude of advantages? We would be happy to support you in optimizing your processes.

Or do you know companies that can significantly simplify their processes?

Then let’s network now and find exciting AI projects together.

We’ll take care of the rest.

B2C / Community

The future is now. The topic of artificial intelligence has already become indispensable in many areas.

Would you like to gain or impart experience in the field of AI with corresponding practical tools? Or take part in research projects in this exciting field?

Then contact us now or download our free software.

BSFZ Innovationskompetenz Siegel - Forschung und Entwicklung


Our advantages

We enable your employees to independently integrate artificial intelligence and neural networks into your company. Alternatively, we offer you our full service and implement your individual AI solution in your company.


It is part of the natural biorhythm of humans that they get tired after a while and have to recharge their resources. Machines, on the other hand, can work on their tasks around the clock.


Implementing and hiring artificial intelligence saves huge costs. Algorithms are cheaper than labor and thus reduce personnel costs in your company.


Your know-how and your data belong to you. Without cloud and external dependencies. True to the motto “trust is good, control is better”, we make sure it stays that way with our AI solution.

API connection

Our interface between AI and your application – REST API – offers you the highest level of data protection flexibility and compliance.


Compared to humans, machines are able to work much more precisely. This is due to the fact that they have completely different fine motor skills. In addition, they can perform a variety of repetitive tasks with the highest accuracy, reducing the margin of error to a minimum.

WHAT is actually

AI Training

Your know-how and your data belong to you. Without cloud and external dependencies. True to the motto “trust is good, control is better”, we make sure it stays that way with our AI solution.


The Process

The steps to your AI Solution



Together with you, our experts analyze the company’s internal processes.



Together with you, our experts analyze the company’s internal processes.


AI creation

Die zu verarbeitenden Daten werden durch unsere KI Entwickler erhoben und in geeignete neuronale Netze integriert/trainiert.



The data to be processed is collected by our AI developers and integrated/trained into suitable neural networks.



On request, we offer you continuous support on the subject. We ensure that our solutions work optimally for you in the long term and are adapted to your needs.



Frequently asked questions

AI is the abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence, which is also referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thus, machine learning is an area of artificial intelligence. The technology is commonly used to support and or automate human decision making processes and groups them in this umbrella term.

AIUI’s software uses the power of artificial intelligence, for example, to analyze and evaluate numerical data, images or text, or to make predictions.

By means of a training algorithm, artificial neurons can be “shaped” in such a way that they understand the underlying data and their background and can perform tasks with the “knowledge”.

A neuron is thus nothing more than a function that establishes a connection between data (input) and what is behind it (output).

AIUI stands for Artificial Intelligence User Interface. It is software with which one can create a special kind of artificial intelligence (neural networks) via a purely graphical user interface.

AIUI combines the implementation of state-of-the-art AI technologies in Python with current web technologies based on JavaScript for the user interface. The software follows a graphical programming approach, in which
recurring processes in the creation, training and evaluation of neural networks are packaged into reusable units.

These can then be placed, adjusted and connected to complex arrangements via drag & drop. The advantage over an implementation based on program code lies both in the preservation of clarity and in the possibility of quickly recombining, testing and analyzing the arrangement.

Chat GPT is designed to provide answers to a wide range of users. Training is done with general data and is based on a large knowledge base to provide answers to a wide range of general questions.
AIMS, on the other hand, is created and trained for specific use cases. This allows specific solutions to be created for customer-specific requirements.

ESF Förderung KI in Thüringen
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